Continuous Integration

As software change all time, modern software development needs a system, which checks these changes for:

A Continuous Integration System (CI) is an essential tool in our workflow and can:

But it can do even more.

Update Management

A Continuous Integration System may help or even handle updates and especially security updates of third-party components semi or full automatically.

Upgrade Management

Hardware, Operating Systems, Frameworks, Programming Languages, and many other things change over time. Checking them manually is a repetitive and error-prone task. These tasks can be checked through a CI System, without directly bothering the core software team. These tasks are:

As you can see, these combinations may lead to dozens and in some projects hundreds of different combinations, which must be checked. A CI System can handle these through a corresponding setup and without user interactions on every software change.

Additional Tasks

A Continuous Integration System can run almost any important task you may encounter like:

A very important part is the automation of repeating tasks, which rise the quality and reliability of a software project.


Continuous Integration can handle a lot of different tasks - even for a one-person software team. In the long run, you will save a lot of resources, time and money.

Removing repetitive, boring, and error prone work from your development team increases happiness and pace of your project.